Thursday, December 4, 2008

Political Afterthoughts: Obama's birth certificate

Many other writers and thinkers are more qualified than I to write on the election we have just experienced. I'll just say that I voted for McCain based on his support of issues that I support (the right of the unborn to life very important among them).

However, if one wants to read a good post on America's decision on Barak Obama as president-elect, I suggest reading Al Mohler's page at:

Just cut and paste this link into your browser to read his "America Has Chosen a President." It deals with the cold realities people of Christian faith may face under the new administration.

More interesting (and distressing) at this point to me is the fact that Barak Obama's birth certificate has yet to be revealed. So far as I know, this issue is going unnoticed by a lot of people. The certificate of live birth revealed for Obama is widely not considered to constitute a declaration of US citizenship. The president-elect will formally be appointed (so far as I know) by the electoral college in 10 days, and it is not a sure fact that he is even a US citizen!

Joseph Farrah has written a short post about this matter, including a link to his petition for the Obama birth certificate to be revealed. Farrah's article can be read at:

I encourage you, reader, to sign Farrah's petition demanding that this matter be cleared up. Farrah urges his readers to take this issue seriously: "If the issues surrounding Obama's status as a natural born citizen are simply swept under the rug, then the Constitution simply no longer means what it says. It no longer limits officials from doing anything they feel like doing."

We are living in crazy times in our country. We may be living on the verge of a hard-left swing in American law, compounded by the ominous possibility that our government may now be shown to operate without regard for our charter document, the Constitution. Of course, we've all heard complaints about activist judges who "legislate from the bench," and manipulate the law in doing so, but this pattern is bad news. If our country may be steered off its foundations by the whims of men, without regard for the rule of law, what is next? What will we be asked (forced) to accept by our leaders? Ominous indeed.

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