Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Series

I will be embarking on a series of blogs entitled "The Last Word on the Last Days" (hahaha). This will be a similar format to my previous series "Strange Facts and the Age of the Earth." In case you missed my conclusions on that series, you are welcome to go back and read them yourself, but basically my conclusions were the following:

1. The majority report on evolution is certainly not true as the public schools, universities, and scientists teach it. The fossil record doesn't match. The DNA record doesn't prove that DNA can morph according to environmental influences. There is no secular answer for the start of life (against Stanley Miller and all his followers), because the naturalistic mechanism proposed isn't powerful enough given even billions of years based on pure chance. There is a growing movement in the sciences that recognizes these and other problems with the current majority paradigm of naturalistic evolution. So evolution is headed out scientifically. It's no secret Scripture doesn't agree, and that is more important than all the opinions just presented.

2. The age of the earth remains a problem for the biblical chronology. However, it is highly likely Genesis is a factual/poetic account, given to Moses's primitive people to fit there education level on the universe. Before anyone goes ballistic over what I just said, consider half the days of Genesis are not normal (a la day 1, where light exists with no light-bearing bodies). Also consider that God can and did change human DNA (where do you think Eve came from?). So it seems that there is room for more time than 6 normal solar days in Genesis. However, before I go too far, I will say that if God is as the Bible describes Him, 6 solar days, and all the problems that go along with it from our perspective would be no problem at all to God. Correct? Notice that none of what I have said undermines normal history taking place in Genesis 2 with Adam and Eve. The temptation would have simply taken place after day 7, whether it was a long time, or a shorter one. God knows.

3. Where does this leave us? Genesis is history, but it doesn't include all the details, and that for our benefit. It immediately zooms in on mankind in chapter 2, describing why we are sinners and gives a proto-Gospel answer to that problem. The Bible is theocentric (God-centered), but is also anthropocentric (man-centered). So many other details about God's world are not important to His main plan and message. We will be scratching our heads about a great many things (Genesis included), all the way to Glory.

Speaking of scratching heads...I'll start my new series soon...



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